No other sport even comes close to the hockey game in terms of speed. Everything about this sport is fast-paced: the slap shots, the game pace, the players. Every other sport moves at a glacial pace in comparison to this hockey. There’s no time for dozing off in a hockey game – something is always happening and if you blink, chances are you’ll miss it. Constant action is one of the many reasons hockey is the greatest sport on the planet.
- You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. ~Wayne Gretzky
- Go through life with goal.
- Hockey players walk on water.
- Give blood, play hockey.
- Fire in my heart and ice in my veins.
- Hockey: the cool sport.
- Hockey is figure skating in a war zone.
- Please don’t feed the goalie.
- Ice hockey is a form of disorderly conduct in which the score is kept. ~Doug Larson
- Half the game is mental, the other half is being mental.
- A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great player plays where the puck is going to be.
Hockey players have to combine all that speed and agility on top of managing to stay upright on a large ice-cube.
This awesome card is for the hockey player in your life who is always ready for that puck to drop. It is also a great card to send a message to the whole team or give it to a coach or fan to decorate his office.
See also: Slapshot Hockey pop up card.