Teddy Bear quotes you could write in this card:
- Bears need people. People need bears. ~Pam Brown
- In a world where everyone seems to be larger and louder than yourself, it is very comforting to have a small, quiet companion. ~Peter Gray
- A bear teaches us that if the heart is true, it doesn’t matter much if an ear drops off. ~Helen Exley
- Everything in life I share, except of course my teddy bear!
- Love me Love my Teddy Bear. ~Samantha Armstrong
- In a world gone bad, a bear – even a bear standing on its head – is a comforting, uncomplicated, dependable hunk of sanity. ~Pam Brown
- Anyone who has looked a teddy bear in the face will recognize the friendly twinkle in his knowing look. ~Harold Nadolny
- Remember when I said Teddy can’t sleep without me? Well, truth is, I can’t sleep without Teddy. ~Webster Papadopolis
- Wake in the deepest dark of night and hear the driving rain. Reach out a hand and take a paw and go to sleep again. ~Charlotte Gray
- Bears sleep by day. At night they stay awake to chase away bad dreams. ~Jesse O’Neil
- It’s hard to visualize the toys you had fifty years ago – all save Bear. He’s as clear as if he were sitting on the desk in front of you, and he probably is. ~Pam Brown
- Once a bear has been loved by a human being, its expression is forever marked. ~Jama Kim Rattigan
- A bear remains a bear – even when most of him has fallen off or worn away. ~Charlotte Gray
- One never quite gets over a lost bear. ~Jane Swan
- Bears being sent through the mail should never be squashed up to make them fit. It gives them indigestion. ~Pam Brown
- You really don’t have to be young to find a friend in a teddy bear. ~Rachel Newman
- “Bears are just about the only toy that can lose just about everything and still maintain their dignity and worth.
There’s no bear like an old bear. ~Samantha Armstrong - A bear grows more alive with age. No one with one ounce of sensitivity could ever consign a bear to the dustbin. ~Johnnie Hague
- When everyone else has let you down, there’s always Ted. ~Clara Ortega
- Teddy bears don’t need hearts as they are already stuffed with love.
- There’s just something about a Teddy Bear that’s impossible to explain. When you hold one in your arms, you get a feeling of love, comfort and security. It’s almost supernatural. ~James Ownby
- Teddy Bears are like keys . . . They’re always in the first place you think they’d be, and the last place you look. ~Garfield
See also our Magic Unicorn pop up card.
A.Word.A.Day with Anu Garg: arctophile
pronunciation: (ARK-tuh-fyl)
MEANING: Someone who is very fond of teddy bears or collects them.
ETYMOLOGY: From Greek arctos (bear) + -phile (lover). Earliest documented use: 1970.
USAGE: “I am a past president of the American Society of Teddy Bear Collectors and have contributed dozens of articles to Teddy Bear Review and other arctophile journals.” ~Clifford Chase; Winkie; Grove Press; 2006.