This is the card little kids grab first. This orange toy helicopter with blue rotary blades is irresistible to kids from 4-8 years old. I made it strong, durable and colorful so they can enjoy it.
Message you could write:
- Let’s go for a whirl.
- Hippos are from helicopters.
- Helicopters don’t fly, they vibrate so badly the ground rejects them. ~Tom Clancy
- You’re hovering, mom.
Slang for helicopter:
Bird, Huey, chop, chopper, whirlybird, helos, Jesus mixmaster, Apache, Big Bird.
True story:
“I used to have an eBay addiction. I was really good at selling stuff. My sister needed to get to a funeral in Ireland –the airlines were on strike – so I listed her on eBay: Damsel in Distress. Guys were outbidding guys to be the hero and help her. A guy who owned a helicopter won.”~James Blunt
Here are some things helicopters are used for:
- Search and Rescue – getting people out of hard-to-reach areas.
- Tourism – taking people on aerial flights.
- Military – move their troops or drop off supplies
- News – helicopters fly over cities to check out breaking news or traffic reports.
- Photography & Video – movies, television and photographers use a helicopter to get better and surprising shots.
- Air Ambulance – people who are seriously ill and need to be transferred quickly to another hospital.
- Fighting Fires – used to carry and drop large amounts of water onto a burning fire.
- Cargo – can carry large loads of cargo. A helicopter can land on aircraft carriers or into other hard-to-reach locations.
The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage. ~Mark Russel
Give this 3D toy helicopter card to a a kid obsessed with flying, to a pilot, a weatherman, or a helicopter parent. High flying kid fun is on our runway!
See also Jet Set Silver Jet pop up card and