Wild dolphins are well known for their agility and playful behavior.
- Have a flipping great day!
- Make a SPLASH on your birthday.
- What do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
- Marine wildlife is a Rhapsody in Blue.
The Best Dolphin Show is a Wild Dolphin Show
Dolphins are generally social creatures that live in groups – called pods – which can contain hundreds of individuals. These charismatic and intelligent mammals are found in most oceans around the world as well as in some of the world’s largest rivers.
We love dolphins. We want to be up close and personal. We want to touch them, swim with them, interact with them.
They are a sensitive, inquisitive species and require stimulation, socialization, and vast spaces. Wild dolphins can swim up to 100 miles a day.
Dolphins are BRILLIANT and have existed for 15 million years
- They understand symbols and syntax.
- They can mimic humans.
- They recognize themselves in mirrors.
- They mourn their dead.
- They exhibit empathy and attachment.
- Their brain size to body size is second to humans.
- They pass down their communication generation to generation.
- They develop tools
- They recognize their thoughts.
How did the Miami Dolphins get their name?
A contest was held in 1965 to choose the name of the team, which elicited 19,843 entries and over a thousand different names. The winning name was submitted by 622 entrants.
Silly jokes:
Q. What is their favorite TV show?
A. Whale of Fortune!
Q. What do wild dolphins ask when they don’t understand?
A. “Can you be more Pacific?”
Q. What’s the best way to hear what they have to say?
A. Listen to their podcast.
Q. How do they make decisions?
A. They flipper coin.
Q. What is their favorite sports team?
A. The Miami Dolphins.
See also Endangered Sea Turtle pop up card.
Use Wild Dolphins pop up as a Birthday card, invitation, baby shower, congratulation, Graduation, for your ocean loving friend, animal card, wildlife, kids card, nature card, new baby card, 3D popup card, Florida card, tropical card, Miami Dolphins, Nature, to Celebrate Boy’s, Girl’s, Men’s & Women’s Birthdays, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, to say Thank You, for a Special Achievement, or any Special Occasion.