Seize the daisies!
The common daisy is the classic wildflower, just begging to be added to a kitchen counter vase or woven into a flower crown. This happy-face flower with white petals radiating around a yellow center is the most identifiable of all flowers.
Happy Daisies Quotes:
- “She wanted to tackle him and roll around in him like a cat in a field of daisies” ― Rainbow Rowell
- “Always have something beautiful in sight, even if it’s just a daisy in a jelly glass.” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr
- “Daisies are like sunshine to the ground.” – Drew Barrymore
- Whoopsie-daisy!
- Bloom where you are planted.
- A flower is a daisy chain, a graduation, a valentine; a flower is New Year’s Eve and an orchid in your hair; a flower is a single geranium blooming in a tin can on a murky city fire-escape; an acre of roses at the Botanical Gardens; and the first gold crocus of spring!
- A flower is a birth, a wedding, a leaving of this life.
- Here they come, blooming fresh and fair, springing bright and joyous in the morning air.
- June is the gateway to summer.
- “July is hollyhocks and hammocks, fireworks and vacations, hot and steamy weather, cool and refreshing swims, beach picnics, and vegetables all out of the garden – first sweet corn on the cob dripping with butter, first tomatoes dead ripe and sunwarm, string beans, squash, crisp cucumbers. July can also be hard and shiny, brassy and sharp. Some days are like copper pennies in the sunlight.” ~ Jean Hersey
- “If I had my life to live over, I’d pick more daisies.” ~ Don Herold
- You’re fresh as a Daisy.
- “Love is like wildflowers; it’s often found in the most unlikely places.”~ Ralph Waldo Emerson.
- “Even the tiniest of flowers can have the toughest roots.” ~ Sandra Mullen
- “Buttercups and happy daisies, Oh, the pretty flowers.” ~ Mary Howitt
See also: Let it Bee and Tree of Life pop up cards.